@ 2:43 PM
enjoyed today's service.
uncle david chua shared a verse which is one of my favourites and it made me think alot about God.
"With people, this thing is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
in this world, we talk ALOT about impossibilities.
in the face of crisis and disastrous happenings, we say how it is impossible to have a peace that lasts, or a love that's true, or a God to exist.
but I started to think how our God of possibilities came down to save us.
After reading the book 'Great is thy faithfulness' quite some time, it talked about the miracles missionaries experienced at different times and parts of the world.
To think that we can have a relationship with a God of wonders, of immeasurable power.
an awesome God.
and I better understood the extent of His love for us,
cos no one can fully comprehend haha.
God actually humbled Himself to an extent that He became one of us.
One of us creeping creatures crawling on this miserable tennis ball.
And He didn't come as a King of the creeping creatures.
He came as a babe, born in a place not even where the creeping creatures would sleep in.
And though He was God, we still rejected Him.
I still can't understand why people reject this happening.
that despite Him lowering Himself and dying for us,
yet people can still shamelessly say that it is all fictitious.
but He's still faithful.
always there for us, where we can find peace and comfort.
And I'll sing to you Lord
A hymn of love
For your faithfulness to me
I'm carried in everlasting arms
You never let me go
Through it All.